Monday, March 15, 2010

aku pown tataw la....

lately aku cepat penat.bukan penat buat keje tp penat brfikir.tataw la.certain mende 2 rasenye xperlu pk sgt ak kan suke pk manyak2.masalah tol.dalam dilema rase bersalah.really2 hate those feeling.bile da pk byk2 akibatnye kepenatan,lantaran menidurkan diri sampai x sdr diri walhal ade klas.mmg hangguk btol la.pastu kdg2 org tgh cakap2 ngan aku sempat ag aku nak pk mende lain.last2 blur2 pastu kene gelak.2 pown still blur nape org gelakkan aku.tafaham......last saturday aku travel sorg2 g seremban..

"such a terrible,horrible,unbelievable trip with a bittersweet memories"

cukup r tu je.tade ati nak story pnjang2 about dat trip.yg aku tau back from dat trip i really need to talk to someone..but then actually i realize someone is not enough..i need some body but not anybody..ape la yg aku merepek ni.maybe ak kene stop thinking too much about everything..buat penat diri seniri je with all those thoughts...owh damn..gimme a break...


farahin khairi said...

jgn pkr.. byk pkr kg otak tesembur kua.. hoh0

Adi said...

tp kalo x pk kang otak xberkembang..haha..adeih..