Thursday, August 19, 2010

I just want it stop

Did you ever had a bad dream?I mean a nightmare, that woke you up screaming at night? Okay, stupid question, I know.Everyone did, right.So do I, lots of them.My parents always said that dreams never real.Don't think too much about them.Yeah alright.But there's one that I keep thinking of..It's kind of weird and...and...weird..just weird..

Lately this nightmare keep haunting me. I'm not really clear of what or who I'm dreaming of.Don't ask me details because it's just blur.When I try to recall it just become more blurry..The only thing that I remember, at the end of the dream I was caught up.There's no rope or what ever that bind me but still I couldn't escape.I cried for help but nobody come to save me even there's a lot of people walking around me. I think I can open my eyes because I can see my roommate lying on her bed.I screamed loud enough till hurting my throat, somehow i realize that my lips doesn't move at all.I tried to move all my body but it still tied up.I end up woke up, screaming,my heart pumping hard and I'm tired.

If you're gonna ask me whether I'm washing my face and feet before went to bed, please don't.Because I do it every night.At first,yeah, it just a dream.But this 'just a dream' thing keep coming since years ago.I thought it was the same dream that keep repeating but it seems not.It's like a series of stories with different story line but sharing exactly the same ending.It's continuously man..Do tell me something rather than "it just a dream".Because when I had that dream I can't have a good sleep for days.I can feel something push my chest till I can't move or breath everytime I close my eyes.It's really tiring I tell you.And I really3..want it stop..I don't want this nightmare anymore..please..

** I heard that it's not good sharing your dreams with others except your family.Is it true?Can I not consider this as sharing because me myself not really sure what i've been dreaming of.


farahin khairi said...

cam takut je weh. +_+'

Adi said...

ko yg bace pown takot aku ni lg la..penat ah..tanak da mmpi cenggitu..

ajim said...

aku rase baik ko tdo 1 katil dgn rumet ko la.hehe.lg 1 b4 tdo,xyah pk mcam2.kalu bln pose nih,focus tuk bgn sahur je r<--kalu ko bgn sahur/pose..=j

Adi said...

sekatil ngn rumet aku??tanak ah..nak sekatil ngn rumet ko..wahahaha..ukeh aku main2..okeh aku cube..untuk bgn sahur..hehe