Thursday, February 18, 2010

there's no need for 'thank you' and 'sorry' in a friendship

"misunderstanding: the entrance to the world of true friendship"

i just red this statement it true??so how many times we enter the world of true friendship if there were so much misunderstood,like always have??or we actually did not reach the entrance yet?i don't know.some people said "there's no need for 'thank you' and 'sorry' in a friendship".those words are kind of formality and formality is the poisonous of friendship.true friends will feel the words through their heart and there's no need to say them out loud because they will understand.
this is the real world and i'm facing the real friendship here (am i?),and i doubt all those saying..could i?what i can see for my entire life is like almost everyone think they deserve a 'thank you' for all they've done.what i mean here is people want to be appreciate and they feel like we take them for granted if we didn't say it to their face.
and about the other word,'sorry'.when there's misunderstanding, there's always a need for explanation and it ends up with someone need to apologize or else the other party will get hurt.even when i wrote this, i know there are maybe some people out there in the state of misunderstood with me and start to scratch their heart so hard till it hurt with their thinking.i didn't mean to hurt them somehow.i'm just wrote this generally.but still i wanna say sorry if i hurt anybody with what i've written.
as for me,friends are still human,normal..they still need those two words once in a while.


AdlieMusa said...

tao ah bnyk mase free..
keje nak tukar layout je.. haha

Adi said...

hua3..okeh pas neyh lmbt sket ak tuka..wiwiwi

farahin khairi said...

no sorry in frenship!