Saturday, February 6, 2010

thanks for the wonderful night

just come back from night out with birthday girl and other girlfriends.My stomach is kind of full,can't sleep,so,hi my blog...
First of all i wanna say sorry to them.Actually, i'm not feeling so well tonight.Hormone imbalanced,well,women things..I try my best to hide it from them all because i just don't want to spoil the night,but,i'm not good at acting.They detected that i'm looking uncomfortable and they keep asking whether i'm ok."Yup,i'm ok",God knew i lied...however,still i hold the pain till the end.
'Mee Bandung Muar',I thought they really wanna drive to Muar just to eat mee bandung.But when we make our way to Kampung Pasir then I realize actually it just a name.Luckily i'm not that excited of going to Muar..haha
After dinner we headed to Danga Bay,looking for some entertainment.First,we rent a bike,RM39 for 30 minutes.A family bike with 6 seats actually but we fill up with 7's almost like a training session.After 1 round we are already exhausted and i'm sweating like hell.We sent back the ride before the 30 minutes end with a rickety sounds and almost blow up tyre..haha..even a few passer-by warned us about the sounds..hehe..
Next,for the first time in my life i try one of the free fall drop thing.What does it call??I don't know, but this time i tried the ship.I guess this is not a secret actually but normally people will surprise if i told them that honestly i'm acrophobia (fear of heights).Before this i keep on refusing when people ask me to try but tonight i decide to be brave.Well i'm quiet cool when the ship start moving,a good start i think.But it's not last for long.As the ship goes higher and higher i shut my eyes when the ship went down and just open it when the ship start to go up again.i can't help myself from shaking,screaming and holding the bar tightly.owh man..i left my heart up there i think..fuhh..luckily i'm not crying..haha..what a shame...
We went for karaoke,testing our amazing voice with 14 songs then we left Danga Bay.We stop at McD to have supper before back to college.Thanks guys for inviting me to enjoy this wonderful night.I'm glad to have such an experience which make me realize actually i haven't overcome all my fears and phobias yet.I'll tell you later about that because right now i'm ready to catch my sweet dreams..nyte2..


sharamli said...

ari gayat ke....hak3

Adi said...

holah..alahai..ko pown lbey krg je mkcik..haha

adnesslisa said...

ari aku speecless after baca ni..tak taw nak ckp ape...

Adi said...

don't take it wrong..maybe i should reconstruct the words so that no one will misunderstood.sori..