Tuesday, January 5, 2010

read it with ur heart..

susah an ble org xcaye kat kite..bile org xyakin kite bley wat sumthing..bile org xconfident kte bley berdikari..trase diri lemah sgt n secare auto,self cnfident pown jd low...yup, i'm a new rider,a new driver..then what???all of u were new b4 u become the senior one right..owh fine..u forgot how does it feel being a junior..excuse accepted..but can't u just give me support or put your trust on me just once??bcoz i never have that lately..not from my friends..not even from my parents..dat's really3 make me sad..
pelik an..bile org baru bwk kete,bwk la hati2 n elok2 cane pown mst org bsg2 gak..cuak sane,glabah cni..padehal tade la lggr pape or xcident mane2 pown..tp kalo org da lame bwk kete,drive cam org mabuk,tukar lorong sesuke ati,xcident due tige kali pown tade sape nak kecoh..tade lak nk riso..senyap jew..tade lak nk kate pape...
pelik an..kalo org bru pandai bwk moto jatoh moto sket je pown dah xcaye nak bg bwk moto da..tp kalo org da lame bwk moto,xcident sampe pth kaki pown lpas tuh bwk moto balek xkesah pulak..cane org yg baru pndai bwk moto tuh nk jd pro rider kalo bru skali jatoh da tabley bwk lg?i believe there's always a room for improvement,but i'm afraid the room is too small..
haih..xadil2..Bill Gates kate "the world is so unfair,live with it"..salah tuh pakcik Gates..Allah dah ciptakan dunie neyh seadil-adilnye..mnusia tuh yg x adil...haha..ade eh lam dunie neyh org yg lahir2 da pndai drive da buley ride??kalo ade ak doakan anak2 ak nt lhir2 da cenggitu so they will not feel what i'm going through here now..ahaks..

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