Bangun pagi2 tengok Ali dah floating..nak buat cpr pun dah tak sempat..wuuuuaaaaaaa....baru seminggu..jangan la wat aku camni..Ali tu sape?Ikan aku la..rujuk post ni..
wwwuuuuaaaaaaaaa....spoil mood betol..terus jadi malas nak wat keje (padehal dah memang malas)...dah tinggal 4 ekor..baru seminggu..dah tanak bela lagi dah.nanti tengok diorang mati lagi.aku yang sedih.buat menyeksa binatang je.sesape nak bela amek la.dah memang ditakdirkan aku tade bakat nak bela2 binatang.
isk3...selamat tinggal Ali....
****eh ke memang dah ajal die ek?
dOn't speAk tHose sileNt woRds
When you don't actually know what to say, SHUT UP is the best way!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
I expect it to be like what I expected it to be
You bought something but it was not like what you expected.You paid for something which actually you can have something better with the same value.You were so angry but you found no one to blame because it was all your fault.You regret of what you bought but there's nothing you can do since you've paid already.
Have you ever come across all the situations I stated above?and it was like...urrggghhhh..why I bought this one instead of the other one?What I was thinking when I took this one?Well yeah..I'm asking because I'm in this situation right now and I hate it.Yeah I admit it,I'm not good at buying anything except for food.
I booked 'something' last week and I expect it to be like what I expected it to be when I picked it up just now.But, when I look at it and I like..WHAAATT???I felt like want to throw that 'something' and crash it into pieces.I can have better than this with that money.Nothing much I could do.My bad for not asking details earlier.
Then I threw myself in the car and drove back to hostel. Push the pedal hard until almost 160km/h and the steering started vibrating.Felt like wanna scream and cry out loud."I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!"I turned on the radio and song The Show from Lenka playing..perfect timing huh.."dude,why are you so mad?You still can use it."Well, of coz.Buying something and it's disappoint you,it's like you wasting your money man.I have to cut off my expenses,shopping less,spend less,eat less,bla bla bla..for something that I regret.I ate nothing since morning and now I just lost my appetite..and my mood..and suddenly a motorcycle came out from nowhere and stopped right in front of my car and made me brake hard and almost hit it.err..did you realize how many 'and' I use here?..huh..forget it..
"Hey,this is my way!What the hell are you doing stopping in front of my car?Didn't you see my car?Wanna die much huh?"yelling....
Okeh scratch that.That was never come out from my mouth.I just made tight face (muke ketat) which actually already like that since I entered the car earlier.That pakcik said thousand apologizes and push his motorcycle out of my way.Guilty maybe because it obviously his fault.Nervous pun mungkin juge..I just nodded and raise my hand showing it's okay.Usually I smile but this time I can't.I'm sorry pakcik.I didn't mean to give you that face.It just,not the right time. Muke ketat cam mane?camni kot..eheh..

I'm still trying to settle down.Thinking of that 'thing',again made me angry with myself.."I don't expect it like that".."I don't expect...."heypp...senyap le..tak expect tak expect...penampo karang tau le..
***Things not always goes as we expected.Just go with it.People always said "expect the unexpected" the way,avoid driving when you are angry.When you can't control yourself,you can't control anything else..peace.
Have you ever come across all the situations I stated above?and it was like...urrggghhhh..why I bought this one instead of the other one?What I was thinking when I took this one?Well yeah..I'm asking because I'm in this situation right now and I hate it.Yeah I admit it,I'm not good at buying anything except for food.
I booked 'something' last week and I expect it to be like what I expected it to be when I picked it up just now.But, when I look at it and I like..WHAAATT???I felt like want to throw that 'something' and crash it into pieces.I can have better than this with that money.Nothing much I could do.My bad for not asking details earlier.
Then I threw myself in the car and drove back to hostel. Push the pedal hard until almost 160km/h and the steering started vibrating.Felt like wanna scream and cry out loud."I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!"I turned on the radio and song The Show from Lenka playing..perfect timing huh.."dude,why are you so mad?You still can use it."Well, of coz.Buying something and it's disappoint you,it's like you wasting your money man.I have to cut off my expenses,shopping less,spend less,eat less,bla bla bla..for something that I regret.I ate nothing since morning and now I just lost my appetite..and my mood..and suddenly a motorcycle came out from nowhere and stopped right in front of my car and made me brake hard and almost hit it.err..did you realize how many 'and' I use here?..huh..forget it..
"Hey,this is my way!What the hell are you doing stopping in front of my car?Didn't you see my car?Wanna die much huh?"yelling....
Okeh scratch that.That was never come out from my mouth.I just made tight face (muke ketat) which actually already like that since I entered the car earlier.That pakcik said thousand apologizes and push his motorcycle out of my way.Guilty maybe because it obviously his fault.Nervous pun mungkin juge..I just nodded and raise my hand showing it's okay.Usually I smile but this time I can't.I'm sorry pakcik.I didn't mean to give you that face.It just,not the right time. Muke ketat cam mane?camni kot..eheh..

I'm still trying to settle down.Thinking of that 'thing',again made me angry with myself.."I don't expect it like that".."I don't expect...."heypp...senyap le..tak expect tak expect...penampo karang tau le..
***Things not always goes as we expected.Just go with it.People always said "expect the unexpected" the way,avoid driving when you are angry.When you can't control yourself,you can't control anything else..peace.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Meet Abu,Ali,Timah,Minah and Joyah....
Hye...its quite unplanned actually.Siang tadi I went to Giant,for a movie.Unfortunately, tade muvi best yang show time tu.Just 1 yg ade pon.Ratu The Movie..errr...bukan tanak sokong cite melayu tapi..pepaham sendiri la..haha..okeh back to the main topic.Round2 then habiskan mase kat pet world.Yup, I love to visit pet store thiiiiiiiiiissssssss much (sambil tangan didepakan).Sangat suke tengok binatang dengan harapan boleh bela banyak2 binatang.Padehal xpernah bela anything pon..eh3..pernahla..ayam..hehe
Nak ade pet jugak..hihi..gedik..Python, paksu dah bela sebelit.Hamster,don't want ah..tikus,busuk.Nanti malam2 aku nak tido die sebok nak main..Peluncur Gula a.k.a Sugar glider,mahal kot.Arnab,nanti nak sembelih kesian,nak dibiarkan mati tua membazir..ish3..dah lame pilih memilih,last2..Welcome Abu,Ali,Timah,Minah and Joyah...welcome to my new roommates..hihi..
Eh3..bukan die ni..silap2..
Haa...baru 2nd time aku nak try bela ikan.Taun lepas aku bela guppy xsampai 2 weeks dah xbernyawa.Dah ajal die.What can I do.Nak salahkan aku xbley gak...Kali ni aku bela Tiger Fish plak..Sebenarnye kan..aku nak ikan yg berdiri tu..wuwuwu..tade la plak gamba die nak letak..Tapi kalo nak bela ikan tu need higher aquarium.Tapi kalo bela dalam botol pon boley kan?asal la aku xterfikir tadi.Then I thought nak angkat Kaloi..suci je their colour ..tapi cam mahal la plak..last2 sauk la Tiger Fish ni.
Let me introducesorang2 sekor2 kat korang..
Abu dengan Ali tu species Green Tiger. Name aku maen letak je.Mane la aku tau yg mane jantan yg mane betina.Kalo ayam ke,kucing ke boleh la kenal.Ni ikan.Bekilas2 ikan diair,sampai kesudah aku tataw jantan betinanye. Hehe...semoga umur mereka panjang..Amin..
From this point and forward, kalo ade sesape yang rase xsanggup tgk boleh stop bace sampe cni je..xperlu teruskan..hihi
Rase teringin nak bela Gecko (certain people call tokek)..macam ni ha..
****sangat excited dengan kehadiran Abu,Ali,Timah,Joyah dan Minah.rase macam nak tido same2 dengan mereka....
Nak ade pet jugak..hihi..gedik..Python, paksu dah bela sebelit.Hamster,don't want ah..tikus,busuk.Nanti malam2 aku nak tido die sebok nak main..Peluncur Gula a.k.a Sugar glider,mahal kot.Arnab,nanti nak sembelih kesian,nak dibiarkan mati tua membazir..ish3..dah lame pilih memilih,last2..Welcome Abu,Ali,Timah,Minah and Joyah...welcome to my new roommates..hihi..
Eh3..bukan die ni..silap2..
Haa...baru 2nd time aku nak try bela ikan.Taun lepas aku bela guppy xsampai 2 weeks dah xbernyawa.Dah ajal die.What can I do.Nak salahkan aku xbley gak...Kali ni aku bela Tiger Fish plak..Sebenarnye kan..aku nak ikan yg berdiri tu..wuwuwu..tade la plak gamba die nak letak..Tapi kalo nak bela ikan tu need higher aquarium.Tapi kalo bela dalam botol pon boley kan?asal la aku xterfikir tadi.Then I thought nak angkat Kaloi..suci je their colour ..tapi cam mahal la plak..last2 sauk la Tiger Fish ni.
Let me introduce
Abu dengan Ali tu species Green Tiger. Name aku maen letak je.Mane la aku tau yg mane jantan yg mane betina.Kalo ayam ke,kucing ke boleh la kenal.Ni ikan.Bekilas2 ikan diair,sampai kesudah aku tataw jantan betinanye. Hehe...semoga umur mereka panjang..Amin..
From this point and forward, kalo ade sesape yang rase xsanggup tgk boleh stop bace sampe cni je..xperlu teruskan..hihi
Rase teringin nak bela Gecko (certain people call tokek)..macam ni ha..
kacaknye mate!!!
macam ni pon boley..
xpon camni..
lagi comel..hihi..kat pesta konvo tadi ade sekor..baru lepas besalin kulit..RM400..tapi xhensem..xdapat gecko dapat skink pon boley..skink tu macam yang jumpe kat Dairy Farm kat Singapore hari tu..Tapi ade yang lagi tampan dari tu..
Sori Haidar aku curi gamba kat fb ko..hihi..ish3..nak bela binatang pelik2 je..bela semut je la camni..senang nak dapat senang nak bela..nak ternak terus pon boley..haha..
macam ni pon boley..
xpon camni..
lagi comel..hihi..kat pesta konvo tadi ade sekor..baru lepas besalin kulit..RM400..tapi xhensem..xdapat gecko dapat skink pon boley..skink tu macam yang jumpe kat Dairy Farm kat Singapore hari tu..Tapi ade yang lagi tampan dari tu..
Sori Haidar aku curi gamba kat fb ko..hihi..ish3..nak bela binatang pelik2 je..bela semut je la camni..senang nak dapat senang nak bela..nak ternak terus pon boley..haha..
****sangat excited dengan kehadiran Abu,Ali,Timah,Joyah dan Minah.rase macam nak tido same2 dengan mereka....
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